[2024 Fall] Computer Architecture

Course Information

Course Computer Architecture Department Computer Science and Engineering
Office Hours TBA Course No. and Class 20493-02
Hours 3.0 Academic Credit 3.0
Professor Yoon, Myung Kuk Office Jinseonmi-Gwan, 213
Telephone (82)-2-3277-3819 E-Mail myungkuk.yoon at ewha.ac.kr
Value of Competence Pursuit of Knowledge(80), Creative Convergence(20) Keyword CPU Design, Memory Design, System I/O
Class Time (Wed) 17:00 ~ 18:15
(Fri) 17:00 ~ 18:15

Course Description

In this class, students will learn about the basic concepts of computer architecture, including Instruction Set Architecture (ISA), CPU processor design, and memory hierarchy. To improve understanding, students will do several programming assignments that are partially related to the computer architecture concepts.
* The primary syllabus used for this course is from the website rather than the traditional school system. Consequently, any significant updates or changes will be made exclusively to the web syllabus.


  1. A prior digital logic design course is recommended.
  2. Basic knowledge of the C/C++ programming language is required.

Course Format

Lecture Discussion/Presentation Experiment/Practicum Field Study Other
90% 0% 10% 0% 0%

Course Objectives

In this class, students will be introduced to:

  1. Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)
  2. Arithmetic (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, etc.)
  3. CPU Processor Design (Pipeline, Instruction-Level Parallelism, etc.)
  4. Memory Hierarchy (Memory Technology, Cache, etc.)
  5. Parallel Processor Design (SISD, MIMD, SIMD, SPMD, and Vector)
  6. And more topics if time permits

Evaluation System

Evaluation: Relative + Absolute

Midterm Exam Final Exam Quizzes Presentations Projects Assignment Participation Other
30% 30% 0% 0% 0% 40% 0% 0%

Explain of evaluation system
  1. About 35% of students: A (Including A+/A/A-)
  2. About 45% of students: B (Including B+/B/B-)
  3. About 20% of students: C and below

Further details regarding the letter grade and attendance
  1. If your total score does not exceed 30%, you will get an "F" regardless of the percentage above.
  2. If you are absent more than five times, you will get an "F."
  3. If you are late twice, you are considered absent once.
  4. The course is specifically designed for sophomore students; hence, absences related to job positions or interviews cannot be accepted as excuses.
  5. Complete your assignments and exams independently. Any instances of plagiarism, whether from fellow students or online sources, will result in an automatic 'F' in this course, regardless of your current standing.

Required Materials

  • Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition: The Hardware Software Interface

    David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy
    Edition: Second (2E)
    ISBN-13: 978-0128203316
    ISBN-10: 0128203315

Supplementary Materials


Optional Additional Readings


Course Contents

Week Date Topics & Materials Assignement & Quiz & Etc.
Week #01 2024-09-04 (Wed) CH #00: Introduction of Computer Architecture Class
2024-09-06 (Fri) CH #01: Computer Abstractions and Technology
Week #02 2024-09-11 (Wed)
2024-09-13 (Fri) EXTRA: Linux and Build System
Week #03 2024-09-18 (Wed) NO CLASS (Thanksgiving)
2024-09-20 (Fri) CH #02: Instructions: Language of the Computer
Week #04 2024-09-25 (Wed)
2024-09-27 (Fri)
Week #05 2024-10-02 (Wed)
2024-10-04 (Fri)
Week #06 2024-10-09 (Wed) NO CLASS (Hangul Procalmation Day)
2024-10-11 (Fri) CH #03: Arithmetic for Computers
Week #07 2024-10-16 (Wed)
2024-10-18 (Fri)
Week #08 2024-10-23 (Wed) Midterm Exam Review (Recorded Lecture) Makeup Class for November 22nd
2024-10-23 (Wed) CH #04: The RISC-V Processor
2024-10-25 (Fri)
2024-10-26 (Sat) Midterm Exam (09:00AM ~ 10:30AM) [Asan 107]
Week #09 2024-10-30 (Wed) CH #04: The RISC-V Processor
2024-11-01 (Fri)
Week #10 2024-11-06 (Wed)
2024-11-08 (Fri)
Week #11 2024-11-13 (Wed)
2024-11-15 (Fri)
Week #12 2024-11-20 (Wed) CH #05: Large and Fast: Exploiting Memory Hierarchy
2024-11-22 (Fri) NO CLASS
Week #13 2024-11-27 (Wed) CH #05: Large and Fast: Exploiting Memory Hierarchy
2024-11-29 (Fri)
Week #14 2024-12-04 (Wed)
2024-12-06 (Fri) NO CLASS
Week #15 2024-12-11 (Wed) CH #06: Parallel Processors from Client to Cloud
2024-12-13 (Fri) Class Summary
2024-12-14 (Sat) FINAL EXAM (09:00AM ~ 10:30AM) [Asan 107]
Week #16 2024-12-18 (Wed) Final Exam Review (Nonmandatory)
2024-12-20 (Fri) NO CLASS

Course Policies

For laboratory courses, all students are required to complete lab safety training.

Special Accommodations

According to the University regulation #57, students with disabilities can request special accommodation related to attendance, lectures, assignments, and/or tests by contacting the course professor at the beginning of semester. Based on the nature of the students’ requests, students can receive support for such accommodations from the course professor and/or from the Support Center for Students with Disabilities (SCSD).

Extra Information

The contents of this syllabus are not final—they may be updated.